
Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 114

Jehovah be represented in a buttery way

... and through one of those artificial watchtower shows

When it comes to standing up for God, you don't pile up for every counter thesis. Jehovah's Witnesses do just that. When it comes to getting the facts from one's own religion, one does not look away permanently. Jehovah's Witnesses do just that. When it comes to responding to criticism of one's own religion, one does not play artificial plays. Jehovah's Witnesses do just that.

The propaganda images in the Watchtower magazines Watchtower and Awake, which depict preaching Jehovah's Witnesses, always show them with exaggerated gestures, completely abnormal, artificial, posed, simply pitifully unrealistic. Just as unrealistic and fictitious, the long, blonde Jehovah's Witness delivered a sermon service show with her "interested" companion. With a high elbow and an extra wide spread index finger the listener is shown somewhere in the Bible and with raised eyebrows and wide open eyes and especially overstrained mouth movements one turns to the listener. The whole thing can no longer be surpassed in lie and fictitiousness. The embarrassment effect, however, does not occur, because Jehovah's Witnesses are so alienated from themselves that they do not even notice that they would turn red all alone in their own bathroom in front of the mirror if they were making such artificial gestures there. Lies are practised and rehearsed until one believes oneself to be "in the truth".

All the other Jehovah's Witnesses in Wiesloch had not prepared a show of lies, and when I arrived they escaped quite quickly. My signs had the following texts:

  • Jesus takes you as you are.
  • The Watchtower Jehovah makes you a puppet.

The Jehovah's Witness, who, as she expressed herself to her colleagues, "stood up there," that is, at the entrance of the post office, always looked exactly in the opposite direction, depending on how I positioned myself. Her head always turned like a compass needle away from my harmless texts. Of course I tried this effect. But for some time I also stayed on one side, so that she had to look in the other direction for a longer time. How can a person become so dependent on a human religion that he can no longer recognize the most obvious stupidity? How lonely must a person be that he can only hope for human interactions from those heresy tie-wearing penguins? Jehovah's Witnesses voluntarily commit themselves to avoiding normal people like the plague! On the last photos you can see the loneliness of Jehovah's Witness.

(Always click on pictures and then click on the right margin.)

By only ever looking away when you hold up a mirror to them, or pulling off an imaginary sermon service show, Jehovah's Witnesses give themselves the worst nakedness ever. If someone needs fakeness and lies as fertilizer for his flower beds, he can get them in Wiesloch in buckets. From the very beginning, Jehovah's Witnesses in Wiesloch were not concerned with the matter itself, but only with doing the hours necessary to save them. Nobody knows how many advertising hours for the Watchtower publishing house will lead to the state of being rescued. Nor does the Watchtower Doctrine provide any information about this. Jehovah's best witness is the one who still sticks out of the grave with his arm – with a watchtower in his decaying hand.

Jehovah's Witnesses are not only cheated of their time, they are also forbidden by the Watchtower Society from normal contact with other people and contact with Jesus. Jehovah's Witnesses are cored advertising puppets and the Watchtower Publishing House has them on its conscience. The Watchtower Society has not even reached the lies of the Catholic Church in terms of lie potential. When it comes to intrigue and infiltration, it is on a par with the Jesuits; when it comes to street advertising for its newspapers, it has surpassed all others through the use of blackmailing methods. The fact that this street advertising is fed by psycho-stress, by the necessary Watchtower doctrine, can be seen from the reaction of the Jehovah's Witnesses alone. They clear the field like caught thieves.

On Saturday (23.08.2014) not a single Jehovah's Witness in Wiesloch

Dear Watchtower Society, Dear Governing Body,

Did yesterday's action hit the Jehovah's Witnesses in Wiesloch so hard on the stomach that they omitted to advertise their magazines on Saturday? After all, Saturday is the most important Watchtower advertising day of the week. Not a single Jehovah's Witness was seen in Wiesloch this Saturday. Photographs of evidence attached.

If Jehovah's Witnesses cease their preaching service to no longer provide a platform for their critics, it is proof that the Watchtower doctrine is a lie. Jehovah's Witnesses must stay at home to prevent the exposure of their lies! Isn't that wonderful? This unwanted admission by the Watchtower advertisers that they only spread lies is perfect! What could be nicer?

The great failure of the Watchtower organization begins exactly with such small incidents. A city is freed from the Watchtower locust plague for a Saturday. Jehovah's Witnesses describe themselves as the locusts from the abyss, equipped with a scorpion sting to sting a third of humanity.

Jehovah's Witnesses feed spiritually and spiritually on the last under the sun. They eat the sputum that their Masonic-organized religion coughs up. This sputum is sold to them as truth and they are snobbishly proud of their know-it-all. The splendour of the Watchtower doctrine is not the splendour of gold, but the rapidly dulling splendour of sputum. The older literature of the Watchtower Society corresponds exactly to this picture. It is firmly dried and sticks barely noticeable in the Watchtower libraries.

But for that in Sinsheim real Christians

It is quite different with real Christians. With true Christians, the Bible is above everything. With genuine Christians, there is no literature that comes even close to the heavyweight of the Bible. With them the swamp of the Catholic false doctrine tradition counts for nothing. In the case of genuine Christians, there are also no magazines that are equated with the Bible. With genuine Christians there are no sacraments and no main or secondary mediators.

Real Christians do not need to flee criticism. Nor do they need to hide and insist that their faces be made unrecognizable, as with criminals. What a difference!
