
Demons in the Book: The Secret of Family Happiness

An ex Jehovah's Witness reported that there is hardly anyone among Jehovah's Witnesses who has not already been molested by demons. There were catchwords like "pulling away a blanket" and "a misshapen being fixing one with red X-ray eyes". All this demonic harassment of Jehovah's Witnesses can only be traced back to the influence of the Watchtower Society, which skilfully outfits its literature with unbiblical teachings and demon-infested images.

The Secret of Family Happiness, page 28
Jehovah's Witnesses Permanent Marriage

This nice pair of Jehovah's Witnesses has probably been mounted in the idyllic forest. This fact does not in itself represent anything bad. Every company can advertise for itself as it likes. But she also has to put up with the fact that hidden messages are discovered at some point, especially if they are messages from the realm of demons. The background into which this friendly JW couple has been inserted is brimming with demon embeddings. The Watchtower makers seem to have an extra special department that only takes care of these demon applications, because the demons are very well integrated into the picture.

What demons do you discover?

Jehovah's Witnesses Permanent Marriage

Jehovah's Witnesses Permanent Marriage

Jehovah's Witnesses Permanent Marriage

Jehovah's Witnesses Permanent Marriage

... and so on, and so on! Let's leave it at that with these four discovered demons. Some of them are certainly not so easy to recognize for many viewers. But don't worry about it. The WTS uses images of demons in all possible gradations. – Something for everyone. If you let your gaze rest on the picture, you will surely discover more and more of these demons.

Purpose of the Watchtower Demon

Some enlightened, educated, and reasonable fellow citizens argue that observing the Watchtower Demon is ridiculous, unprofessional, and just a mud fight. This was not objective and would only reflect hatred. These and similar accusations have already been made several times. My personal impression is that these critics, who appear with such integrity and dignity, do not want to acknowledge the significance of the Watchtower Demon or hide it from the public. – If they are not actually acting on behalf of the Watchtower Underworld.

In order to show the readers the implications of the Watchtower Demonony without questioning Jehovah's Witnesses about their personal burden, I publish here three photos kindly left to me by a person who also "studied" with the JW for a while. These phenomena occurred after the death of this person's father and were observed in his apartment for a period of about three months. As an accompanying phenomenon also "autokinetic" phenomena appeared and "sensory illusions" which were also perceived by other members of this household at the same time. The presentation of these photos, which in my opinion are highly explosive, is intended to show the readers,

  • that a certain resemblance to watchtower content is evident and
  • that the possibility exists that strained JW experience such things in their daily lives

photographed on 5 August 2007

photographed on 21. July 2007

photographed on 21. July 2007

Unfortunately, the seduced slave from Brooklyn interpret these phenomena as confirmation of their "good change before Jehovah". They think that the devil uses his army to impress the true worshippers. But there is no such burden among people who follow God. Those who follow Jesus will also be liberated from such things. But Jehovah's Witnesses do not know this. They do not know so much about Jesus, for the faithful and understanding slave conceals it from them. Jehovah's Witnesses, place yourselves under the protection of the name Jesus. Your Jehovah is not what you think him for!
