
Demons in the Watchtower of August 2019

Funny are these repetition grimaces again and again

An old preference of the demon draughtsmen of the Watchtower Society is the repetition of the main character of a picture as a caricature of itself. This method of making fun of naïve people not only meets the willing listeners of Jehovah's Witnesses but also biblical men such as Paul. On the title page of the Watchtower of August 2019, he is not only depicted as someone acting like an insurance agent, but in the upper right corner he is given the appropriate grotesque facial features. The point is to mock biblical content.

If the man with the glasses would have known that he, too, would be ridiculed by the Watchtower Society worldwide, he would probably have preferred to forego the fee for this picture and not make himself available as a photo model.

But even veteran Jehovah's slaves can't get away. In the Watchtower of December 2013 we find an old pitiful completely tricked who carries the embarrassment mark of his life lie on his forehead.

Watchtower December 2013: Demons must be!

Loosely spread demons

In general, however, demonic hints and small grimaces are simply scattered loosely, in the hope that the believing observer will not notice them. All the greater is the joy of those who know about the satanic orientation of the Watchtower religion. They can then rejoice in the diabolical work of their brothers and brother-brothers. After all, Freemasonry is a worldwide fraternity, and there are a few factors that are needed from time to time for cohesion. The signature of Satan is best suited for this. Here a demon, there a sexual allusion and so on. The Masonic connoisseur leafs through the Watchtower and rejoices.

The inventiveness of the Watchtower Demon Draughtsmen seems to be unlimited. Even the globe gets a few diabolical markers imprinted on it.

When the Watchtower Society honors its faithful servants

One can well comprehend the joy when an old Jehovah's Witness, after many decades of faithful service, becomes partakers of the honour of being depicted in his memory in the Watchtower. The magazine then gets its own glass showcase at home, in which it has to be opened so that all visitors can look at it. Or it can be framed on the wall and given special lighting. And when the grandson is lifted so that he can see the picture well, he asks: "Grandpa? What's that disgusting grimace on your forehead?"

Will grandpa then realize the bullshit of his life lie? Will grandpa then be able to admit to himself that he has been abused for the rest of his life for the worst dirt under the sun?

The worldwide Watchtower lie demonstrates to its victims how they have been lied to and gutted, and yet these simple spirits cling to the old Watchtower club. They are convinced they have done something for someone, sacrificed themselves. But they do not understand that they have been sucked to the last reasonable thought.

It remains to be seen whether Freemasonry will come up with similar markings on the forehead for the Greens and the Left. Perhaps dark coal spots as an indication of global warming. – Read: Paralleles of the Watchtower Society and the Green Alliance 90
