
Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 203

Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Beggars

Well organized!

On Saturdays, the Bruchsal pedestrian zone is literally combed through by various organizations in search of new victims. There are Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses and organized beggars.

Freemasons have been instrumental in designing, building and maintaining the Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses. Today they are "harmless character enhancers" and advertise with Masonic calendars in the Bruchsal pedestrian zone.

While Jehovah's Witnesses in Heidelberg roam with their sack trucks of lies, Jehovah's Witnesses in Bruchsal still unfold their lies on a permanently stationed table. I held up the signs: Jehovah's Witnesses bleed people to death. Jesus never let anyone bleed to death. A man pointed his crutch at me and said he could only shake his head. Whether I would believe this nonsense, he could only shake his head. Does this man have the slightest idea of the Watchtower doctrine? Is he aware that Jehovah's Witnesses really planned and organized let people die through religion?

Only very late did I notice that the city of Bruchsal had dismantled the rusty iron symbol for the broken, bent, split watchtower. This confirms my assumption that the Watchtower Society is by no means independent. Freemasonry (ecumenism) has its say. More details on the page: Jehovas witnesses in Bruchsal at the end? – 30.05.2015 – Yes! At the dead end of the pedestrian zone. The inner connection was that someone wanted to avoid that we did not go through the Bruchsal pedestrian zone with the signs Religion saves – only Jesus saves. They set up the humiliating symbol of the broken Watchtower to expel Jehovah's Witnesses from the center of the pedestrian zone of Bruchsal. With them, their critics with the dangerous signs would also disappear.

And indeed, Jehovah's Witnesses were influenced by this measure. For example, on a Saturday morning they stood quite privately and inconspicuously next to the thing and only hurriedly set up their bookstall when they saw me. If I hadn't appeared there, they would certainly have liked to do without this show. This shows that they had understood this symbol exactly.

The organized begging has only a little profit in mind. However, Jehovah's Witnesses and Freemasons are working hard to eliminate Jesus. They want to eliminate Jesus as a saving and judging God. Both claim that one can rise above oneself through effort. Jesus says only one word: "Without me you can do nothing." This is a thorn in the side of Jehovah's Witnesses and Freemasons.
