
Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 455July 12, 2019

Test of courage – "policeman" from Walldorf instills fear

But there was a great response in Heidelberg

No photos of Jehovah's Witnesses in Walldorf

It's drastic. Presumably the Jehovah's Witness from Walldorf doesn't even know how threatening it looks. My judge R. of the district court Wiesloch interpreted my reaction as a classic swallow. You simply drop yourself in the penalty area and get a penalty shot. This is a classic swallow. And the judge R. of the district court Wiesloch assigned this feint to me. His assistant, the public prosecutor, had previously pleaded for rigorous use of force and vigilante justice against me! Unbelievable!

Jehovah's Witness from Walldorf takes a bath in being able to do anything with impunity. He gave free rein to his aggression. Even in such a way that his attendants, who had been assigned to him by the Watchtower Society, had to admonish him. I have a video that proves this. Sound included. "All I wanted was ... I just wanted ... " Meanwhile this man calls himself "policeman from Walldorf". Recently he is the policeman around Walldorf. It must have been his fault that he damaged the reputation of the Walldorf police.

Today, after a long time, I stepped on the plan again in Walldorf, but didn't get so close to these people that I could have taken a photo. But I can describe them. On the way I drove close to them. If you imagine two old people with oversized wigs, you already have the right picture. These poor people! Where did the Jehovah's Witnesses pick up these poor people? Only the policeman from Walldorf with his Nazi-like outfit had his old charisma.

No Watchtower cops in Heidelberg

The Watchtower Society must have calved recently, because the old yellow-grey Watchtower man with a pack of young women ready to mate appeared in Heidelberg and took a few minutes to realize at all that this guy with the signs was back. "Six-year-old from Walldorf died of Jehovah's blood doctrine – Jehovah's Witnesses bleed to death".

The thing must have ruined his day. A young Jehovah's Witness seemed – as can be seen in the pictures – to protest vehemently against something. Did she understand the deadly accusations and realize that she was serving the devil? Unfortunately, the young witness's protest is pretty much drowned by the pixelation of the pictures.

The old Jehovah's Witness came to me to inform me that she had witnessed it. However, I didn't understand how to push anyone off the cliff just because you survived it yourself. I tried to tell her that someone who is banned from human blood must be a cannibal, but she only said that I would not listen to her.

Great feedback

I had a long conversation with a Russian woman. But also some other people showed their goodwill and enthusiasm for the open confrontation of Jehovah's Witnesses with facts. One of them was an Asian who unfortunately didn't want to be published, so I had to pixel him too. In addition, a doctor spoke to me about his experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses and blood transfusions. Unfortunately, he did not want to be published either. It is a great pity that the experts concerned do not share their knowledge with the public.

Many, many people could be warned and my impression is that word is getting around. The Asian said that he had already heard of me. And if he could take a picture. Gross! So we can assume that this one-man-show has more effect than hoped for. People still notice something. That is a beautiful realization.

Let us only hope that Habeck will not become Chancellor and introduce the Chinese dictatorship system in our country, as he has already announced semi-officially. We must all prevent him from doing so. It depends on whether the propaganda of the publicly contemptible is faster than the enlightenment about it. It will be narrow. The subject of Jehovah's Witnesses has more time. The alarm is sounding for Habeck and his associates.
