Jehovah's Witnesses – How do I get out!

The basics

A psychological platitude reads: Man is a social being. This is automatically associated with the idea that one thing is most important to everyone: he/she must have the feeling of being loved. This urge is one of man's basic needs and thus falls into a category of human qualities that are optimally suited to be used by many manipulators.

The basic human needs are reproduction, food and safety. The security in the herd (like the other basic needs also) has something animal about it. Sex, food and group membership are then the terms that make these connections appear more cultivated, but basically concern the old animals of our being. (Hopefully I have not forgotten a basic need – I am not a psychologist.)

Economy, politics, religion and many more take advantage of people's basic needs to make their goods and services interesting to them. And behind the machinations of the sex-sellls strategists of the advertising industry the Watchtower publishing house from Brooklyn does not need to hide. The Watchtower Society is also trying to force the distribution of its own publishing religion in this disgraceful way.

Psychology rightly establishes an unalterable dependence between the individual and the fulfilment of his basic needs. The human being must experience a certain degree of satisfaction of his basic needs in his life in order to remain reasonably healthy and not appear sick or even dangerous in the social association. This psychological statement is not invalidated or questioned by any authority in the world. Thus the scientific knowledge of these things is confirmed by itself. The everyday experience of all humans confirms it simply and lastingly.

Man, the blank sheet of paper

All people are subject to the guidance of their own perception. Those who have bumped their heads against a wall once or twice will pass this wall more cautiously in the future. This process can not only be called learning, but it is something much more archaic than just the cognitive variant of the learning process. It is our ancient ability to decide problems from the gut. Some call it intuition, others belly intelligence, yet others associate it with a kind of collective intelligence and manage to provide the whole thing with a collective spirit that continues to evolve over time like evolutionary fantasies.

A healthy assessment of this human abdominal intelligence or intuition is reduced to what we can actually grasp in life. Developing theories about how it all came about and what it all boils down to is exciting and can make an author rich, but it all remains pure theory and fantasy. The Bible long ago described the state of man in need of guidance as a situation of separation from God. She has long recommended: "Trust in your Creator and it will be better for you.

So even today there is the possibility for all people to let go of questions of origin and development and to ask themselves the serious question whether there is a God, and if so, what he wants from us and what he has in mind for us. To pursue these questions, however, brings with it a definition that turns the blank sheet of paper man into a written sheet. This is expressed in the revelation of John, when she says that those who trusted Jesus receive a white stone with a name on it that no one else knows.

Revelation 2,17: To him who overcomes, I will give of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone; and on the stone is written a new name, which no one knows but he who receives it.

So we have two states of being human: First, there is the normal human being. He can be consumer, customer, voter, Nazi, politician, Hartz IV receiver or anything else. He is driven by all kinds of influences, he makes a lot of decisions, of which he himself can hardly say that he actually made them himself. And there is, secondly, the man who has committed himself to the trusting basic orientation that the Jews received from God long ago. This Jewish basic orientation sounds when Jesus says: "Salvation comes from the Jews. This salvation culminates in Jesus Christ and is accessible to everyone who is fed up with being driven here or there by all sorts of influences. This salvation is connected with the will of God. With this connection we are actually also in connection with God Himself.


At any time in the history of the world, it has preoccupied people how best to do what and why. Exactly this peculiarity of man is what characterizes man, but it also holds the danger of renouncing God in order to go one's own way. People who cannot or do not want to trust in God become living beings, whose decision-making processes are guided by all possible influences, but not by their true intelligence. For the psychological influence of others is strongly dominating among these people. This goes so far that the foreign influence is not even fully perceived by these people. If one addresses them to it, they also deny it mostly vehemently.

The question about God and thus the longing for a basic orientation lies in the blood of human beings. The Bible claims that God himself has placed this longing for a basic orientation in our soul. In search of an answer to this seemingly very important question (I know it is very important), many people place themselves in the hands of counselors, many of whom exist in the world. These are religious and often also pseudo-religious groups, as they have existed since the beginning of the world. They all have two things in common, namely the attachment to something that has nothing to do with God, and the open or hidden annihilation of the Creator who gave himself to us in Jesus.

These groups are the extended arm of those who cannot endure the reconciliation of man with God through Jesus. And although these groupings have terrible effects, suicides, bleeding people to death, bondage, corpse obedience, and much more, the people who have once entered their clutches follow these groupings to satisfy their basic need for belonging and the resulting feeling of being loved and used. With the superficial and false satisfaction of the longing for a basic orientation, these people are deprived of all possibilities to seek and find the Creator.

Some find their self-realization in a great profession, which replaces them thinking about God, some find their "fulfillment" in the village pub and the buddies there, some are already tied to a church rich in tradition and walk a pilgrimage path as a special achievement, some understand the connection with God as a kind of permanent study of what their group is presenting to them.

The Saviour of Freedom

In all these mechanisms far away from God there is the cheap confirmation of the active being as an integrated, needed, wanted being. In it man finds the satisfaction of his basic needs of being loved. Anyone who has once bound himself in these things will find it difficult to find the Lord beyond these bonds, who actually loves us so much that he gave his life for us. But it is possible. People find their way from Marian worship to Jesus, people find their way from the worship of a God who calls himself Jehovah to Jesus, people find their way from the dance around the golden calf to Jesus. It is amazing that the liberating power of Christ is so strong and diverse, always leaving a great sign: the liberation from man's attachments to worldly, human organizations and ideologies.

This is the basic experience of all true Christians, that they are freed from the need to buy any affiliation here or there. By turning to this Jesus, a kind of liveliness begins that stands on its own feet and is able to go against the mainstream. (This is one reason why Christians are persecuted.)

Jesus says succinctly and almost incomprehensibly for us: Who the Son makes free, he is quite free. Of what, please? And why freedom? Who needs freedom? But the freedom that Jesus means lies precisely in the fact that faith in him makes us independent of the attention of other people or of organizations or whatever. Jesus enables people to stand on their own feet through his love and, for example, to love his enemies. What the world does not comprehend is realized in faith in Jesus as if by itself. What the world cannot comprehend because it thinks and breathes in dependency relationships, is a kind of growth for the true Christian, which he himself cannot describe or can hardly describe. That is why Jesus presented himself as the true vine, whose branches the Christians are. Without him they do not grow, without him they wither and are again dependent on the juices of the counselors and gurus of this world.

The Leap from Spiritual Captivity and its Consequences

Anyone who dares to think about jumping from bad bonds should be aware of a few points that will make life very difficult for him. The list of points to be considered here does not come from an experience that I could have gained myself as a detacher from a sect, but from the simple experience of life that I was allowed to gain through faith in Jesus and sometimes also had to gain. Here the reader must be made aware, i.e. confessed, that as someone who made himself consciously dependent on Jesus at the age of 16, I can of course only offer him as a liberating solution. But the experiences he gives are so stark that I would like to publish the following points here so that hopefully many will be helped to recognize the problems and their hierarchy and interactions that go along with a detachment from dependencies and organizations.


Jesus' entire teaching is again and again concentrated on absolute solitude in the sense of the seclusion of thinking and acting. The attachment to this world makes man an uncritical instrument of the worldly powers. This can be seen precisely in this worldly organization, which calls itself the channel of God. It offers its addicts the prospect of a great worldwide brotherhood and conceals the fact that every human being will not only be alone in the hour of his death. It also conceals that the makeshift replacement by a worldwide brotherhood can never eliminate man's personal loneliness.

But it is not only in the hour of death that loneliness is the outstanding characteristic of our humanity! Already in every phase of his earthly life man is trapped in his body and can only communicate the actual movements of his soul to others through the filter of words and gestures. This loneliness is ignored and suppressed by most people. They try to ignore it as much as they can. They run after cheap teachings in order to feel that they have been lifted up in a community and that they have been understood through unification. That they are still completely alone in their innermost being only rarely comes to their consciousness. And when this happens, they perceive it rather as a threat and as a mental agony. In reality the experience of this absolute solitude is a great blessing and the open door through which the light of Jesus shines. He is the only one who looks into our heart and understands us. Those who have accepted faith in Jesus can use this solitude to sharpen their consciousness in communion with the Lord and to put their contacts in this world under the influence of Jesus. For this purpose the contacts in this world do not have to be given up under any circumstances.

Those who no longer have to fear loneliness because they have learned to love it in fellowship with the Lord, or at least recognized it to be meaningful and effective, have become free to deal with people in a new way. He no longer needs to adjust his behavior according to how he avoids losses, but can fully engage with the truth. Those who have Jesus need no longer let injustice happen, only because otherwise they run the risk of being disfellowshipped or excluded. Whoever has Jesus has a new life.

Anyone who wants to free himself from the clutches of the Watchtower Society will only have to change into new dependencies without accepting loneliness. Without Jesus this loneliness is indeed unbearable. With Jesus it becomes part of our life and becomes for us what unites us with Jesus. Jesus says: "Stay in me! He does not say: Stay in the world! By this everyone should be able to recognize how important it is to him that we learn to endure and endure loneliness, because the separation from this world does not manifest itself in stubborn piety and detachment from the world, but rather in the communion with Christ detached from human dependencies. When Paul looked forward to the end of his life, he was not in the midst of a worldwide fraternity and let himself be carried by it, but lived day by day in solitude, in separation from this world:

2 Timothy 4:9-12: Hurry, that you may come to me soon. For Demas has forsaken me and loved this world and has gone to Thessalonica, Kreszens to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia. Luke is alone with me. Mark take him to you and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service. I have sent Tychicus to Ephesus.

Therefore, it is quite a sad undertaking to want to free oneself from dependence on the Watchtower Society without having first let Jesus into one's heart. But the theologians of the Watchtower Society seriously forbid this Jesus-in-His-Heart abandonment, so Jehovah's Witnesses are quite betrayed and sold. I therefore call to you: Let Jesus into your heart despite the "channel of God. When you have done this (and it is not difficult!), you will learn through Jesus to endure all that this life has in store for you. Then you will no longer need a substitute community, a substitute God and blind bondage to a slave.

The love of Jesus is not expressed in the fact that we walk around in a well-kept garden amidst handsome, cheerful people, pecking apples and pears, stroking tame lions, lingering on idyllic streams or celebrating old human dependencies in the form of warm embraces of old acquaintances. The love of Jesus works by enabling us to recognize and bear the truth in this life and not to suppress it. What awaits us after our death is at first not part of what we should and may receive from Jesus here and now. In this we can trust him that he will prepare a home for us with his Father.

Getting out of dependencies

To be able to give up dependencies of human nature is a great pledge of the love of Jesus. To be able to bear the pain and the pain, to understand the necessity of separation, to be able to take the right steps, all this is a direct effect of Jesus. He enables us not to crawl blindly after a certain trace of smell. But he is also the one who brings together and reconciles divided people. In Jesus we have the opportunity to discover the truth without constantly having to do and think what others tell us and demand of us.

But whoever cannot do anything with Jesus, because he is either manipulated by the Jehovah's Witnesses or is arrested by the illusions of the zeitgeist of this world, will not find a home apart from worldly dependencies and will not be able to walk the path that leads to the Father.

John 14:6: Jesus said to him, I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.


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