New comments on the Antichrist Watchtower

Date Comment
June 14, 2024 Oh yes indeed ... that something like the Hosanna's are allowed to practice in Heidelberg ...
May 16, 2024 Quote: Giving thanks to the heavenly Father is just as necessary, but ...
May 15, 2024 I read the many comments from people who are fortunately ...
May 13, 2024 As far as I remember, our King Jesus Christ said that the right ...
May 13, 2024 The devil knows man very well and knows all too well that every individual ...
April 01, 2024 Hello It's really frightening when I think about my ex-girlfriend. I'm still trying ...
March 28, 2024 Yes, hatred of false doctrine. If Eve had loved her Lord, she ...
March 22, 2024 Hello, on the subject of "hatred of Jehovah's Witnesses"! There is ...
March 20, 2024 Hello, should and can we really love people who put Jesus on the cross? ...
March 17, 2024 Don't forget that JWs are still people that we have to love. ...
March 13, 2024 If someone has stepped in shit and it is pointed out to them but they refuse ...
March 09, 2024 Hello Rüdiger, Jehovah's Witnesses are not only as annoying as flies, they also serve the "Lord of the Flies". ...
December 07, 2023 Hello Rüdiger, I've been back here for a long time to read a few comments ...
November 27, 2023 Hello, I'm currently reading Rüdiger's diaries ... they are exciting and ...
November 19, 2023 Why the end of shalom? Doesn't this writer know that the end awaits him? ...
November 18, 2023 Shalom is Yiddish! Stop it! STOP with the shalom! ...
November 15, 2023 Hello Rüdiger, I just looked at these pictures. I see horrible things! ...
October 16, 2023 Why do you actually argue and not remember the one thing we all have in ...
October 05, 2023 Hello, I am thankful, so thankful to Jesus Christ that he is with me, that he is looking at all ...
August 17, 2023 Judas Priest, the name comes from a ballad by Bob Dylan. The moral of this story, the moral ...
July 09, 2023 Hello Doris, thank you for your wise words. In the estate of my deceased pagan husband, who ...
July 08, 2023 Hello, Jehovah's Witnesses have this fear instilled in them during Watchtower study. ...
July 05, 2023 Jehovah's Witnesses are afraid of Satan, the Watchtower Society makes sure of that. Jehovah's Witnesses are enslaved. ...
July 02, 2023 Oh my God, how terrible ... can a Jehovah's Witness really be so deep? That's why I wrote ...
July 01, 2023 An online monkey? Are you serious? Turn back, you vile woman, before Satan fucks you ...
June 26, 2023 Hello Doris, I am very pleased that you have contacted me. You do not know my story, I posted it here ...
June 21, 2023 Hello Anita, you write that your mother believed you. That is positive. Through suffering and tribulation, one finds ...
June 19, 2023 Hello Rüdiger, after the incident, I naturally talked to my mother about it. Now it comes: First, I should leave the JWs alone, I had my faith, they ...
May 17, 2023 Hello, How aware one becomes of what Jehovah's Witnesses do to themselves, children and relatives. I read ...
April 17, 2023 Hello, I read almost every day in these pages and honestly, I can only agree! My mother is already ...
April 07, 2023 A "so-called" religion, which wants to "take Jesus Christ from the throne" and displaces, runs for itself into greatest danger! ...
April 04, 2023 Hello, now it has become dark, the 4th of April 2023, the communion of the Jehovah's Witnesses is now celebrated. I used to be there ...
March 25, 2023 Hello Rüdiger, have now looked through this more closely. There are horrible abysses, what the WTG depicts for nasty stuff in their writings. Now I have ...
March 13, 2023 Hello Anita, the witnesses of this cannibal Jehovah are indeed roaming around like thieves and seducers. They are ...
March 13, 2023 Hello, I don't think anyone here knows about the cannibal law, I've never heard from my relatives that there is such a thing. I ...
March 12, 2023 Thank you very much Rüdiger, this gives me strength again. I love Jesus as I did when I was a child. In the meantime, he had perhaps stepped back ...
February 08, 2023 Hello, doesn't the Bible talk about the resurrection of the flesh? There is talk of building houses that no one else builds, or they will sow and reap ...
February 05, 2023 Hello to all, my name is Anita, I am from Austria and I became seriously ill 12 years ago. I live in a small town in Styria, so there ...
February 05, 2023 It is precisely the recognition of Jesus as God that brings one to God. There is no other way. Jesus sends the spirit of the Father. You cannot push the Son aside ...
February 04, 2023 Hello Rudi! Why is Jesus not the rocky bottom on your page, but the Bible? ...
February 02, 2023 What is incomprehensible about this statement? Spirit of God / Spirit of the Father ...
January 22, 2023 I worship Jesus as Almighty God for this very reason. ...
January 21, 2023 ... THAT WAS WELL SUMMARIZED
January 16, 2023 Hello, I would like to say what is the only thing I know: I love the Lord Jesus. He took me ...
January 11, 2023 In John 17,2 Jesus says that He gives eternal life. Exactly this is not a contradiction to John 17,3 ...
January 10, 2023 Thanks for graphic details about this religion you explain it real well, never saw this religion this way.
December 10, 2022 One of my friends is a Jehovah's Witness. We respect each other the way we are. I am a non-believer and accept that mutually. We talked about all this and also about homosexuality. ...
December 07, 2022 Pretty embarrassing claims. May the author please explain: Why does Jesus say: the Father is greater than I? Joh 14,28 ...
December 04, 2022 Good evening Marco, about 18 months ago, I started reading the Qur'an with a Syrian refugee. At that time I had been a Jehovah's Witness ...
November 14, 2022 Hello Mr. Christian! To what extent there are parallels between the Greens and the Jehovah's Witnesses I cannot say, I know too little about this ...
November 12, 2022 Hello, I landed here out of desperation about my parents. They are STA and I was myself until about 25 years. Now, after 30 years, the situation is as follows: Parents ...
November 02, 2022 Hello, I too have had dealings with Jehovah's Witnesses and, thank Yehovah, have not completely fallen for their doctrine. Nevertheless, it should be noted that they at least understood that the name of God ...
October 12, 2022 Bunch of evil beings who exclude other people.who give them the silent treatment as a form of coersive control. JW's pretend to be friends but ...
July 23, 2022 Adventist doctrine is much worse than most people think. Adventist doctrine is much worse than it is portrayed on this blog. ...
April 26, 2022 Dear Mr Hentschel, I would have been pleased if you had left my comments uncommented and not filled them with your own thoughts, ...
April 25, 2022 Hello JW from Walldorf, you use 1. John 2,2 as a reason for the presence of Jehovah's Witnesses. Gratitude to Jehovah God that he, ...
April 22, 2022 Hello together, here is a partly correct reflection of what we Jehovah's Witnesses believe in. ...
April 19, 2022 Nobody needs wind turbines, solar panels, coal or nuclear power plants! Explanation: Cars can run on hydrogen; ...
April 17, 2022 And again the fools passed the bread and wine at the Lord's Supper - except for the 144,000, who accepted the sacrifice...
April 17, 2022 Dear Marco, what you are describing is pure do-gooderism. It is precisely this kind of do-gooderism that Mrs Merkel has made the guiding principle of today's politics, and the German Nazi ...
April 16, 2022 How many people have died in 60 years of lung cancer, because of smoking, liver cancer because of alcohol, HIV because of blood transfusion or omosexuality or cheating, etc. What else how ...
April 13, 2022 Then the people who prostrated themselves before the statue of Nebuchadnezzar did not do any idolatry or did not worship it at all. Man, were the friends ...
April 13, 2022 Pride comes before the fall and nothing tempts more than apparent knowledge! Jesus teaches us prayer! A call is not equal ...
March 27, 2022 Hi Magdalena, thank you for your comment and the interesting link regarding the Watchtower Society's portfolio. No matter what you pick out, everything about the Watchtower Society is simply questionable and the more ...
Februrary 25, 2022 Hello, it would also be interesting to know about the stock gains of the Watch Tower. That's where the really nasty stuff is! Thanks for the clarification. ...
January 23, 2021 Addendum: Just to clarify this again. It is a great sin to watch people die and do nothing about it. Jehovah's witnesses should keep this in mind.
January 09, 2021 Let bleeding to death is the worst of all evils. It is not a crime to fail to save someone, but to prevent someone from being saved is a serious crime. ...
December 27, 2021 Hello dear only to information Germany is not a sovereign state also the rest of the world not to 90% these are all companies registered in USA dalloway please investigate yourself it is all ...
December 26, 2021 I have had enough experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses. For me it is incomprehensible that they have been recognized as a religion. My life was financially ruined by Jehovah's Witnesses ...
December 25, 2021 The bar code, the vaccination, the mark!
December 01, 2021 Hello Rüdiger, I found something else that I like very much and maybe other people too, so I write it here. ...
November 09, 2021 Hello Rüdiger, on this page you can find several videos. On one, a certain Abdul explains the Trinity. I find that also very well explained. But in the next video ...
November 06, 2021 Hello Rüdiger, if I hurt you, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! It's just that I no longer have much faith in people either. Because many say that they are Christians and yet they are not. ...
November 06, 2021 Hello Rüdiger, have now read some pages here and was first shocked about the demonic images in the Watchtower booklets. Hopefully this is not all a fake, because I am very surprised that you put your ex-girlfriend ...
November 05, 2021 Hello, you can see very clearly an E and also an S in the background on the picture with the old man whose face half shows a demon!
November 04, 2021 Hello and good evening, i am very very grateful for the clarification here! In the Jesus picture, at the very beginning, you can also see strange faces again, if you look at this picture with a magnifying glass. ...
October 24, 2021 Hello all, it is just sad that the critics of this view do not come to word. What would be the goal of the JWs to print the subliminals actually consciously in such a ...
October 24, 2021 Hello Mr. E.. I have just read your comment and I am glad that once again someone noticed that there are no lies spread here on this site, as the W.T.G. is used to ...
October 24, 2021 Hello, after looking closely at this picture, I can also see the demon claws. Nice and slowly I think that what you write here is really true. ...
October 24, 2021 Hello, good evening, I have looked again more exactly at the picture which shows Jesus with the mocking penis. One sees on this picture, between the feet of Jesus, a grinning grimace and on the right ...
October 23, 2021 Hello, good day, i am just shocked!!!!! And it hurts my soul that so many people fall for this religion. I have prayed to the dear Father in heaven many times and asked him whether the Trinity ...
October 22, 2021 I heard the JWs believe that in the end their governing body members will turn into angels and will help rule over us with Jesus. This was from a baptized congregant. Is this correct? I saw a ...
October 04, 2021 Good day, me again - that with the prayer is very very well and deeply researched, thought and realistic! Is so, I spoke yesterday on the phone with a Jehovah's Witness from Heidenheim, whom I have not seen for at least 25 years, ...
September 27, 2021 I reject Jehovah's Witnesses from the bottom of my heart. I have been a member of the Church of John Calvin for three years and therefore I also go to the Uniate Evangelical Church ...
September 25, 2021 I found this site by chance, but since I often see witnesses, I can report as a normal Christian that never one of them was as sick as you Antichrist. ...
August 27, 2021 And these are supposed to be RIGHT-WING HITTERS? Shame on you, you left-green nutcases, who believe a lying, deluded satanist ANGELA MERKEL more than these honest people.
July 22, 2021 So folks, this message goes out to all of you: stop believing all this crap. Climate change is real and man-made. ...
July 01, 2021 Hello Rüdiger, I have been a Jehovah's Witness for 30 years and Jesus is my greatest role model and love him with all my heart. Sad is that you can not talk with the ZJ about everything that is close to your heart, ...
June 13, 2021 Hello Carmen, my mother is a Jehovah's Witness and my father was. He bled to death. He died from the Watchtower lie. Never would my father have left his life voluntarily if he had not undergone Watchtower brainwashing. ...
May 31, 2021 Hello Carmen, I don't know if you understand the following words of Jesus. ...
May 31, 2021 Good man, what comes to light here above all is your obvious penis fixation. Women's buttocks, fly demons and erections here probably really only recognizes someone who should urgently go to the doctor. And ...
May 22, 2021 Dear Team, It is shameful for Jesus and God to spread such lies as Satan.Jesus said:You are of your father the devil,according to his desires you wish to do ...
May 15, 2021 Dear Jürgen, that is once again a very great explanation. Thank you.
May 14, 2021 Hello Lisa, there is no concept of being able to contact God. It is just the other way around. We cannot come to God by our own power, no matter what we do. God has come to us and that is in Jesus. Jesus makes it ...
May 13, 2021 Hi. My name is Lisa and I am baptized evangelical, but for me I do not belong to anything except to my (our Creator). First of all, I want to tell you that our Creator loves you all! ...
April 18, 2021 Less reproach and more design of a good idea for the implementation of all good qualities would be beneficial to all. ...
April 08, 2021 My God: opened the eyes. Also for some 100 hours sucked the so-called "Bible sayings". No joy had thereby. Was too weak to say "NO". Then you are visited - and it becomes increasingly difficult to get rid.... ...
March 11, 2021 I find it terribly sad how Christians treat each other on this site. Jesus taught us love and this is what we are to keep among ourselves. As an Adventist, I have understood that none of our works can ...
February 28, 2021 There are several things that bother me about Jehovah's Witnesses! The name YHWH was supplemented by the vowels of Adonaj and thus made an artificial word. Anyone who has heard the Aramaic language should know that ...
February 07, 2021 Please do NOT forget that Jesuits ALSO go into Adventist churches and cause confusion there as well as slander against them! I have known the Seventh-day Adventists for 25 years and I have found NO doctrines of them ...
February 05, 2021 Hello Rüdiger, please watch these videos ...
November 21, 2020 I introduced your sign to the antifa in Baden-Württemberg. I wish you a lot of fun with the next demos, respectively with the next and maybe last.....
November 12, 2020 Yes, exactly Rüdiger, such facts are hushed up, sat out and swept under the carpet. Just like in the Watchtower society, the truth must not come to light. That is exactly what distinguishes us Christians from the ...
November 06, 2020 Explain the saying "Merkel sits the children dead", I don't think everyone has understood it yet. What do you think, will Trump's election still be stolen?
November 02, 2020 Brothers and sisters, Do not argue with the nations, just smile and keep going and make our Heavenly Father Jehovah. Smile from your endurance.🌹🗝😷🌊🐬
October 31, 2020 Good day, I would like to know if it is true that the GB sent a letter to the elder in 2006 to destroy the evidence of child abuse. I myself am a Jehovah's Witness (yet) ...
October 22, 2020 Hi Raimund, You are not a denomination – you are a blood murder and children's ****** club, that's all you are. You do not believe in Jesus anyway, you are exactly the same *******-association as the Muslims! ...
October 22, 2020 Hello everybody! Are you just bad-mouthing all denominations by looking for mistakes, or do you also offer better / more conclusive solutions? I have been a Jehovah's Witness for over 30 years, have had my own experiences ...
October 17, 2020 I assume that you have a written permission to use, distribute and use the official Seventh Day Adventist logo?! In addition, your New World Privacy Policy is not accessible.
October 12, 2020 Oh yes, the antifa. How many murders, wars, injustices were there already in Christianity ? You must also write this on these pages Mr. Hentschel, for the sake of finding the truth. ...
October 09, 2020 In the picture below right beside Russell I also recognize Captain Janeway from "StarTrek Voyager". Or is it just me?
October 06, 2020 Hi Rüdiger, check out this video: "Warning To All Governing Body Of Jehovahs Witnesses, JW Publishers/Members" Get Out Now!!
September 07, 2020 Who can help me – I am as good as dead – I am a Jehovah's Witness myself, unfortunately – I know too much – Too much of murder, rape, partisanship of the elders, cover-ups of proving too many ...
September 05, 2020 Greetings to you, Rüdiger, and all truth lovers here! Freemason is too vague for me today. Replace that with international socios, national socios, green children's f..., new rights, communists, ...
August 22, 2020 Yes, Rüdiger, I know. I didn't feel offended at all.:) I read your report on the common ground between the Watchtower Society and Green Left sects. It amazes me how much you can see into things. Well, it's only ...
August 22, 2020 Hello Doris, I knew you didn't get into the Green Left religion. One of the reasons why I reacted this way was that I had caught myself at times in the past feeling that the rites and rituals of this religion ...
August 17, 2020 Hello Rüdiger, I have nothing to do with the Greens or the church. I became and still am a follower of Jesus. I love his creation and confess that I sometimes have problems with the love of mankind. ...
August 17, 2020 Dear Doris, apart from the completely unnecessary increase in misery with the consequence that even more children starve to death even faster, the Corona policy causes inhuman selfishness. This ...
August 16, 2020 Yes, Rüdiger, but I see how many animals are dying out. Creation is suffering because of mankind's greed for profit. It is not good how the so-called farm animals are treated. ...
August 15, 2020 God be with you, my dear Mr Hentschel, "Jesse my" – very important, almost catholic, as you and your dear friend Eddy put it. Unfortunately, I lose you in your remarks to Mrs Merkel and so on. ...
August 15, 2020 Yes, people like this superficial appearance, they need this delusion for their well-being. Creation must suffer, even die. I do not judge and hope for mercy. God is merciful and that is why I love ...
August 10, 2020 Such unfounded and silly-looking statements (about hidden satanic images) will not help any Jehovah's Witness to leave this satanic organisation. On the contrary, anyone who sees it will be confirmed in their conviction ...
August 07, 2020 Those who claim to see demonic symbols in Watchtower literature are most likely possessed by demons themselves. I was with Jehovah's Witnesses (as an elder) for 60 years and know all the Watchtower lies and despicable ...
June 20, 2020 Hi, That brain picture is in the little grey book that I think has Creation in the title. Printed first in 1995 I heard but I picked a copy off a JW cart in about 2014/5. The snake/reptile/serpent Satan was hidden in the folds of the brain ...
June 20, 2020 I've never read or seen evidence that JWs cannot pray to Jesus! The reason there are subliminal images in Watchtower and books is that JWs are Satan's most devious cult and by putting GRAVEN IMAGES in the literature they ...
May 22, 2020 Hello Mr Hentschel, ...
May 20, 2020 Hello Mr Hentschel, ...there's no point in quibbling. Despite my spelling mistakes with which I embarrassed myself, you admit that you only made up important parts of the story about the death of the 6-year-old boy. ...
May 19, 2020 Hello Mr Hentschel, I'll ask you again. So Mother Klompp literally said to you on the sidewalk that the people who were actually Protestant and highly influenced by Jehovah's Witnesses, so that they even denied their son the necessary ...
May 19, 2020 Hello Mr Hentschel, do you know for sure that the parents were formally still Protestant but already indoctrinated by JW and therefore did not let them treat the child and left the doctors in good faith ...
May 18, 2020 The Civil Code section 1666 allows office to intervene when the welfare of the child is at risk. Parents are rightly deprived of power over the child in such cases.
May 17, 2020 If a six year old child falls dangerously ill and the doctors determine that the child needs a blood transformation to survive, then the child will certainly get this. Independent of the will of the parents and I think ...
May 15, 2020 So here I was expecting the report about a six-year-old boy who died because he did not receive donor blood for religious reasons. But it was more than that. It was a whole social criticism. And I think that it applies. ...
May 11, 2020 Greetings, 9,000 dead JW per year – where, in Germany, in Europe, in the northern hemisphere, in the world? Aren't they people who would have died soon anyway? No, I think that if you make such a statement, you should ...
May 10, 2020 Thanks Jürgen. I didn't know about the Phoenicians. Nor did I know about the 9,000 dead Jehovah's Witnesses a year. That's really scary! However, I have also had the thought that Jehovah's Witnesses and other ...
May 09, 2020 Very good MuselManne! I am pleased to hear what you have said, especially regarding the handling of the blood doctrine, which is repeatedly applied to Jehovah's Witnesses in hospitals, through so-called liaison ...
May 08, 2020 Believe me, Professor, it would be really nice if I were wrong about the points I have mentioned. Unfortunately, you're not. Child marriages are not unusual here in Germany either. Even our press doesn't hide this ...
May 07, 2020 Hello MuselManne, you have put that wonderfully to the point. Through the so-called tolerance, which everyone has to stick to, any criticism is nipped in the bud. This is also one reason why Jehovah's Witnesses are ...
May 07, 2020 Hello MuselManne, according to the rule of law, there can be no "tolerance" in the very facts you describe, as this simply contradicts the law. A 10 year old cannot marry, at 16 years it would be different ...
May 06, 2020 It doesn't matter. These things happen. But the feedback has a value in any case, after all, you were able to address interesting issues. By this I mean especially the thing with tolerance. I think the term had a ...
May 05, 2020 I never had any intention of burdening this site. Why should I? By the way: The person I mentioned is quite a bit of a weirdo, to put it euphemistically. I can't help that this person is like that.
May 04, 2020 Hello Observer, in the Catholic Church Jesus is detested. Think about it. Think about a loved one. And that person is suddenly hit by a truck. Would you then go there, take a picture of the body and hang it up in the ...
May 04, 2020 Criminy, the defeated Jesus.... – it is in being defeated that there is a chance for reconciliation. Reverend Stolle is also looking at you!
May 03, 2020 So I did not recognize this connection at first sight, I must admit. But it makes sense. And it's incredibly horrible! Then the Jehovah's Witnesses are being lied to in a very bad way! That's what I call a really sick ...
May 02, 2020 Hello MuselManne, Jesus and Jehovah are not identical. Christians pray to Jesus. Jehovah's Witnesses cannot pray to Jesus and must deny that Jesus is God. Which God do you think this Jehovah is that forbids prayer to Jesus? ...
May 02, 2020 Are you saying that the Jehovah's Witnesses have degraded Jesus from God to an angel? That would be very strange indeed. But does that make them Satan worshipers? Do the Jehovah's Witnesses then also identify themselves ...
May 01, 2020 Hello the lady and gentleman, I want to install myself at this point: Would it not be possible that the Jehovah and Jesus are identical? I am no expert, but I know that Jesus is God incarnate. So when Jehovah's Witnesses pray to Jehovah, ...
April 30, 2020 Hallo Judith, the Watchtower Jehovah is portrayed as a god who tolerates a secondary god next to him, but insists that this secondary god is not worshipped under any circumstances. That would be idolatry. Thus, the Watchtower Society ...
April 30, 2020 Dear Rüdiger, Thank you, which means in reverse that with the spell on your slips of paper: "Jehovah is Satan, he forbids contact with Jesus" – not everything can be true either. ...
April 29, 2020 Hentschel is Satan, he forbids contact with Jehovah!
April 29, 2020 We are all God's daughters and sons. Whoever does not want to nail himself up, prays only to God, because since Jesus is his incarnation, he automatically prays to Jesus, if this link exists, and at the same time he prays to the Holy Spirit, because ...
April 11, 2020 Awareness raising is important. How else are people to be warned of the clutches of a satanic sect if no one thinks it is necessary to point out the dangers? Cultivated disinterest ...
April 07, 2020 You are the True Hypocrites. Let a man live his faith however he wants. Unbelievable. You are not forbidden to go to church or mosque! There is something called "freedom of religion" ever heard of it? I bet ...
January 14, 2020 Cannibal Law of the Watch Tower JW is simply depraved in understanding the bible scriptures. Ignorant, opinionated view of laws supposedly, by god is mockworthy. Non ingesting or adsorption of blood refers To ANIMAL ...
December 17, 2019 You are so wrong about the jews! The Jews are actually False Jews-Canaanites -Muslims! Read Acts 6-7-8. Check the similarities between Jews and Muslims: Circumcision, women head cover, pork and shellfish, Friday sabbath, hatred and belittling of Jesus, ...
December 17, 2019 Do you have a copy of the JW book that has a picture supposed to be teh contents of a human head – brain, tongues, vocal cords etc – which is actually a subliminal of a reptile/snake? And the snake is the same image as seen in that new hall, conference ...
December 17, 2019 Actually the Bible clearly says to keep away from blood. That must mean no blood at all except the little that is almost impossible to wash out of meat or fish. And let's not forget that Jesus and the disciples raised the dead and healed the sick and even ...
December 12, 2019 Dear Antifa, You love all people! You love everybody!
December 11, 2019 Good morning, Mr Hentschel. If you want someone to kick you in the face really badly, then simply contact us! We'll take care of it no questions asked. Radical greetings
October 04, 2019 Hello Ruediger, of course you can see it from this side. The big problem is – at least that's how I understand it – that these people believe everything they talk (and write) about. The lower ranks ("rank and file people") anyway and the upper ranks manipulate ...
October 04, 2019 Hello Eddie, according to what people write about the tricks of JW.ORG, JW.ORG is the association that ultimately fills the psychiatric system. They're not crazy, they drive crazy. Don't they?
May 09, 2019 Basic to finding purpose in life is first realizing the source of life. All comments are not published because a demonizing of a target religion is the program here. History shows that if you take down one religion then ...
February 26, 2019 Hello Ruediger, I am glad that you have managed to translate the page into English. Now, many more people can be informed about the machinations of the Watchtower Society and learn the truth of this Masonic organization. ...
January 26, 2019 It has to be added that the video is full of accusations that Jehovah's Witnesses are bleeding people to death. It even includes organized bleeding by hospital liaison committees. The judge remained ice-cold. The ...

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