Definition of Dogma and Dogmatism

by Eddie

The term "dogma" is defined as follows according to Brockhaus, 1988 edition, here in extracts:

Dogma: Greek "opinion", "order", "decision", "theorem" (...), general: the doctrinal formulation of basic truths, fixed theorems or systems, the prerequisites of which lie outside the possibility of scientific review. However, scientific investigations are also possible within dogmatic systems (e.g. in positive law). Dogma is usually understood to mean religious beliefs and systems, especially in Christianity. – In the figurative sense dogma is also a basic conviction, which is secured against doubt not by proof, but by authoritative explanation.

To the term "dogmatism" the same volume says:

Dogmatism: the uncritical, unfounded assertion of philosophical or religious sentences with the claim of unconditional recognition.


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