In the book of Jehovah's Witnesses, "Worshiping the only true God," page 142, the Jehovah's Moses organization cites Moses as an example of someone who benefits from willingly accepting a council. Jethro, who looks more like an accuser or assailant in the accompanying illustration, seems to intimidate Moses a little, who otherwise leaves the viewer with the impression of an old magician.
The Watchtower Society writes the following text on this subject:
Through advice we can more easily see where we need to change, and through training we learn how this is possible. The teaching we need comes mainly from the Bible itself ... Jehovah's organization helps us align with God's Word through biblical scriptures and meetings. Even if we already know the Council, will we admit that we need it and strive to improve? ("Worshiping the only true God," pages 142/143)
Jethro's advice to Moses was that Moses should represent the people of Israel before God and establish a jurisdiction or leadership for his own relief so as not to have to judge the people of Israel for so long. With this, the Watchtower Society alludes to the fact that it establishes the connection to God and rules over the Jehovah's Witnesses through a tightly organized hierarchy from top to bottom. This Old Testament anchoring of one's own government mandate is completely contradicted by Jesus. For with Jesus in the fullness of time the true ruler came to the people and made himself known to them.
Moses reaches to his heart as if to protect himself from the negative influence of Jethro. Just as Moses reacts by ducking and distancing himself, so the leading body also appreciates the large crowd. Jethro stands (in contrast to the WT interpretation of the Bible passage) in this picture for the Watchtower Society. Jethro, like the Governing Body, has a dark, sinister appearance, while Moses seems unable to resist the pressure exerted by Jethro. In connection with the accompanying text, this illustration requires the Watchtower Society to accept "advice" (which looks more like a curse here) without contradiction, even if internal doubts exist. One must listen to the advice and follow it unconditionally. This is the real situation within the worldwide brotherhood of Jehovah's Witnesses.
The method of the threatening announcement that only this organization can give advice and that this advice must be uncontested is not to be found in any Christian community other than the Catholic Church. And if something like this should happen again, as is possibly the case with the Seventh-day Adventists, then this method in itself is proof that God has long since ceased to be a member of these congregations.
Contrary to the customs of the Catholic Church and other false teachers, however, the Watchtower Society is pushing the matter even further. It not only gives false advice like the pope and his journeymen, but it surpasses the Pope by its habit of hiding a lot of demons in the attached illustrations, which are supposed to underline what is said in the finest way. These demons emphasize the Watchtower Society's claims to dominion in the brains and hearts of Jehovah's Witnesses in an occult way, from which only direct prayer to Jesus Christ helps, who is our interlocutor and through whom we may and must pray to the Father.
The slightly tortured facial expression that can be seen here on Moses is reflected in a strange structure that is in front of Moses.
Wrapped like a mummy, the creature has a left-facing face and a right-facing face. One is the head of a tortured person, the other the head of a cat-like being. This demon, together with the tortured facial expression of Moses, signals the unbroken reign of Egypt over the leader of the people of God. The agony of bondage and the cat as Pharaoh's favourite animal symbolize the Egyptian character of the meeting. Exactly this Egyptian orientation shapes the entire false interpretation of the Bible and the false doctrine of the Watchtower Society. And this demon is again a finely woven recognition feature that the teachings from Brooklyn reveal as an Egyptian cult. The proximity to the Egyptian religious cult introduced by Charles T. Russell (founder of the Watchtower Society) is also continued in this way in the more modern writings of the Watchtower Society. Anyone who takes a close look at the products of the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses will again and again find ornaments that strongly resemble this Egyptian mosaic stone of the religious mixture. Russell stood with one leg in Egypt and the Watchtower Society continues this cult in secret.
If you take a closer look at the picture, you will surely discover one or the other demon in it. Slowly every honest reader should realize that the Watchtower literature is a single demon epidemic and is not suitable for making Christians. It is a laborious task to explore and publish all these demons. However, the Watchtower Society invests much more work in the creation of these images, so that one can gauge what a serious motive the author of these "works" has. He is not concerned that Jehovah's Witnesses "survive in Armageddon", but rather the spiritual and spiritual imprisonment of people who once seriously sought the truth.