Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 86
My conclusion was: If even in Wiesloch at a quiet corner directly in front of the church Jehovah's Witnesses set up their advertising stand for the Anti Last Supper "around the globe", then they will possibly also be present in Sinsheim, otherwise underserved with Jehovah's Witness appearances, because of this so important date. I was interested to know whether they were only fat in the cities I visited and whether the Super Special Action in Wiesloch had only been a local special operation, or whether they were generally making more stringent anti-Eabendmahl advertising appearances.
Sinsheim, however, was Jehovah's Witnesses totally extinct and empty, almost abandoned. While asparagus merchants were very active in the season, there was no hint of Jehovah's anti Last Supper advertising beyond the usual mode in Sinsheim. But I met a Christian who set up his book table in Sinsheim.
From Sinsheim I drove first to Wiesloch, because the compelling necessity of the rescue of the Jehovah's Witnesses mask there by intensified advertisement for the Anti-Cenacle Meal "around the globe" seemed plausible to me. The celebration of Christ's death, which Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide celebrate once a year, consists mainly of the demonstrative rejection of bread and wine. Therefore I call this death memorial celebration "the Anti Last Supper". When I came to the site of the Wiesloch Special Action, I was amazed to find that there was no Jehovah's Witness to be seen. The pedestrian zone of Wiesloch was empty of Jehovah's Witnesses. Asparagus dominated the cityscape.
In Speyer I was presented with the usual picture: Jehovah's Witnesses bored under the parasol and this dark atmosphere surrounding them. No one could have a conversation with these people, because what they have to announce is monotonous, poor in knowledge and anti-Christian. Anyone who approaches Jehovah's Witnesses must actually throw the need overboard beforehand to gain stunning insights that emanate from the mouth of God. Jehovah's Witnesses are just a human organization, even if they call themselves the channel of God.
During my stay in Speyer I had many interesting conversations again. One conversation was about the prayer to Mary, which should not be a prayer. How can that work? When I ask someone who is not among us as a human being, then I pray! How can it be that Catholics ask Mary for something and at the same time claim that they are not praying to Mary? Deception. Thought deception!
A Jehovah's Witness tried to convince me I was doing something wrong. In Speyer, I repeatedly experience that the strangest people take Jehovah's Witnesses' side and want to talk me out of order. This not unsympathetic man did not let up and always followed me closely with his infiltration attempts until I finally ordered him in the name of Jesus to leave me. He said "yes" and left. I couldn't have got rid of him otherwise.
After an hour and a half I stopped my action and on the way to the motorbike I saw a Christian with a guitar. It is wonderful to receive the comfort of Jesus in abandonment. When the supremacy of antichristian ignorance crushes you, Jesus shows you what power he really has. To be his successor, to be his disciple, to believe in him is more than anything.