Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 238
Jehovah's Witnesses are gathering all available forces in Speyer. On the one hand they let ignorance hang out as a shield, on the other hand they try to dominate the pedestrian zone of Speyer. The hours of confrontation can also be seen in the fact that soon only Jehovah's Witnesses will be seen far and wide, but people will look at my signs and discuss them with me. In Jehovah's Witnesses at the bookstall you can only see the children and cones that they brought with them. But even these Jehovah's Witnesses look at my signs in amazement and only return mentally to the cheap Jehovah's Witnesses show after minutes.
We have two killing religions in the world. This is Islam (beheading) and the Watchtower religion (bleeding to death). We have two religions in the world that have distorted the Lord's Supper. This is the Watchtower religion and the Catholic Church. Bread and wine are denied to Jehovah's Witness. Wine is denied to the Catholic. The Catholic priest drinks the wine alone. In this way, Catholics have no share in the blood of Christ. And Jehovah's Witnesses have no share in the body and blood of Christ.
As soon as Jehovah's Witnesses are confronted for the first time with the statement, "Jehovah's Witnesses must reject bread and wine – Anti-Cenacre – Antichrist," one sees their brains stir. They then need about five minutes to an hour to regain their usual commercial watchtower behavior. It is funny to observe the little tricks with which those affected try to hide their shame. You turn away, you occupy yourself with something else, you somehow dive away from the eyes of your witness colleagues and the rest of the world.
But self-deception triumphs after pragmatic consideration of what one loses in recognition and human honour if one remains honest. Some Jehovah's Witnesses take a little longer to make the loyalty decision, and these very Witnesses have gone so deeply into self-deception that they seem all the more untouchable to any critical thought. Only the hope remains that they will feel remorse in a quiet moment of their lives. The spiritual concrete armour that these Jehovah's Witnesses acquire is noticeably revealed. On the other hand, I trust these people, when they are alone with themselves again, to think about the lies that the Watchtower doctrine imposes on them.
But not only Jehovah's Witnesses do not suspect what they are missing by refraining from turning directly to Jesus. Even Catholics from nuns to housewives, atheists from professors to the homeless, and all normal German average consumers do not imagine that without Jesus they will miss real life and only indulge in their profane ideas and habits. Every ideology is man-made – from Jehovahism to Catholicism to atheism. These "values" are pursued by those who do not personally know Jesus – want to know. One clings to uniforms, spiritual conformity, conforming adaptation and the hide-and-seek of the camellion. One likes to go under in the masses, in which one can so beautifully pass on the responsibility to one's neighbors. You duck away. One shuns the self-test as far as Jesus is concerned and prefers to rely on the intelligence of the swarm. So many flies cannot be wrong.
Jehovah's Witnesses have gathered masses of like-minded people (relatives, descendants, etc.) in Speyer today to demonstrate the superiority of my enlightenment work. This tactic of Jehovah's Witnesses to answer qualitative questions with human quantity is already sufficiently well known by Wiesloch and Bruchsal. Suddenly the most exotic birds appear in the pack, just to show that the human wall of Jehovah's Witnesses is insurmountable. These colourful exotics will never be seen again. Today this stall magic was over shortly after 12 and Jehovah's Witnesses were just sitting in their chairs.
It is absolutely incomprehensible how a brain-talented person can rely on an organization that promises him huge tomatoes in an earthly paradise and hides behind a fantasy god who bears a name invented by a Catholic monk in the Middle Ages. And this organization also openly says that Jesus did not die for Jehovah's Witnesses. It is unbelievable that such a deception is successful. How can a person assume that people can save people? Jehovah's Witnesses and Catholics do just that.
Jeremiah 17,5-8 Thus says the Lord, "Cursed is the man who trusts in men and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from the Lord! He will be like a bare bush in the desert, he will not see anything good coming, but will have to dwell in arid deserts, in a salty land where no one dwells. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose confidence the Lord has become. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, stretching out his roots by the brook; he will not fear the heat when it comes, but his leaves will remain green; even in a dry year he will not have to worry, and he will not cease to bear fruit.
Oh, man! Ask Jesus and trust him. Then you will meet many who belong to Jesus. They are not organized or bound to a pope or something similar. They are free. Free in and through Jesus Christ.