Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 361

Jehovah's Witness in a dilemma

But so am I

Today my small faith was shown to me once so correctly before eyes. More about it below.

Nothing special was on the program in Speyer. All the more beautiful was the lightning-like departure of the Altpoertel Witnesses of Jehovah. The reaction of this man, which can probably best be measured in tenths of a second, indicates that the Watchtower Organization creates visual material and distributes it to the respective Watchtower soldiers. This explains why Renate was recognized immediately. This in turn explains the Jehovah's Witness's lightning exit. I was barely able to capture the back half of his jacket in the photo.

In Heidelberg, there was a youthful Jehovah's Witness who took a photo from my pocket at the sight of me, looked at me, looked at the photo, looked at me again, and then left. On this website I have published Renate freely and thus of course caused that she can no longer approach the witnesses of the sofa unrecognized. The Secret Service of the Watchtower Serial Murder Org is functioning splendidly.

In Speyer I saw then only walking witnesses of the sofa, two young with recognizable advertising equipment and two old without advertising equipment. So I could photograph only the young witnesses of the sofa.

In Heilbronn I saw two Jehovah's Witnesses, whom I cannot publish either, because the photos do not show the typical advertising material. And since one Witness came to me even later accompanied by an aggressive man and questioned me, I deleted the photos. The aggressive man was so threatening that I was very worried. Let's see if more aggressiveness develops in Heilbronn. However, these people should know one thing: If they publicly display the typical watchtower materials, anyone is allowed to photograph them. Because then they are public persons. They can then no longer impersonate private individuals. Those who publicly advertise the religious serial murder group are no longer on the road privately!

At the lower end of the pedestrian zone in Heilbronn, where, according to my impression today, Spanish and Turkish are spoken almost exclusively, Renate began a long conversation with a witness from the sofa. I stood there with my signs and experienced the attention of the people in all colours. From approval to the most primitive rejection, as you can see in cabaret, everything was represented. After some time the desire began to rise in me to change the location. But in the end Renate stayed with this witness of the sofa for a full two hours, if not longer, and talked to him.

Mistrust began to stir in me. I thought that this Jehovah's Witness Renate was just babbling or blubbering and what expressions you can come up with. Time became a tough rubber mass and I stood there fighting against my negative assumptions. In the end I was the one who first articulated his thoughts, and it took all day until it became clear that Renate's endurance was right. What she was allowed to say to this witness of the sofa cannot be told here at all. My impression that she went down in the conversation was simply wrong.

In between an elder and his resolute elder came by and the witness of the sofa froze. Renate asked him why he was suddenly silent. I don't know the answer – if there was one. Anyway, it was very conspicuous that the mere presence of the resolute eldest of the serial murder watchtower organization had such an effect on the conversation, which was at least a few meters away. What kind of power structures must these be that produce something like this?

The dilemma that Renate's interlocutor had got into today also affected me. A blatant experience! Imagine praying for something and not only being surprised by the answer to the prayer, but even annoyed. That was what I experienced today.

The bottom line is and remains: The Watchtower Society organizes. Christians see.


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