Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 365
Since the was strongly reset in the search results at Google, nothing has occurred to me yet, which is as good as the idea to make a small video from each individual page and to publish it on Youtube. Surely it would have been more convenient if the status, valid for years, could have been preserved. But the trend to place trivial, meaningless search results higher up at the expense of informative websites has apparently become quite lucrative with Google in certain cases. At least this seems to be the case with Jehovah's Witnesses. I'd love to know how far cooperation between one company and another goes. The Watchtower Society would have to have a very big foot in the Google door for the Google Group to abandon its quality principles in certain sectors. After all, a partial conversion of the algorithms requires additional effort and the whole thing must not become too blatant, so that the normal user does not notice anything about it.
The arrangement between Google and Watchtower seems plausible before the question: Do you want to make an enemy of someone who has still managed to infiltrate social institutions? In this situation, any good entrepreneur would decide to invite the company interested in intervention to an open cooperation. Then he still has control in his hands and does not have to fear negotiating unnecessary confrontation and unnecessary difficulties. And the Watchtower critics are really not among those who have a representative in the Google group. So ... what the hell!
On Wednesday, 29.11.2017, Walldorf-Wiesloch station was unexpectedly not occupied by Jehovah's Witnesses. The Watchtower infiltration is also dependent on the weather and can only achieve the normal economic profit. This also includes failures due to adverse circumstances. And as long as the Watchtower Group's cash register rings, the Watchtower Society's world rescue program can take a break.
On Thursday, 30.11.2017, there was only one lonely Jehovah's Witness in Wiesloch, who always stands alone to earn her eternal tomato life in the pumpkin paradise of Jehovah. Her colleagues don't seem to want to know anything about her. The poor woman gives a strong testimony about the true states of Jehovah's spiritual paradise. And she hasn't even looked into the serial murder kitchen of the Watchtower Society! This woman knows nothing of the fruits of her spiritual mother. And she would even let herself or her child bleed to death for this corporation, without realizing that she had sat on a serial murder org.
At this point, at the latest, the responsibility of the state begins. The State has a duty to protect human dignity. To this end it must do everything in its power to enlighten. Unfortunately, the German state itself has not even recognized the means by which Jehovah's Witnesses are turned into cardboard figures and ultimately have to die for a murderous idea. On the contrary! The state felt obliged to put the serial murder organization Watchtower Society on an equal footing with the churches. ... Although ... if you look at the churches that way it doesn't seem so funny anymore.
In any case, the state has a duty to protect its citizens. This also includes, and not least, protection against fraud and murder. In these matters, the German state allows the Watchtower Society to operate uncontrolled. Jehovah's Witnesses bleed to death and the state looks the other way. This is the status of our monetary world, in which Google and the JW.ORG are sharks.
What would Darmstadt be without Jehovah? Darmstadt. Has anyone in Darmstadt ordered this Freemason God Jehovah? Does anyone need this cheat god from Freemason hand? Even though Darmstadt like Karlsruhe and Mannheim were planned on the basis of Masonic thinking, no one needs the associated god Jehovah, who is openly worshipped as Lucifer in the high degrees of Freemasonry.
It all sounds conspiratorial and detached now, but Freemasonry continues to pull its strings into the reality of many people. Let's not underestimate that!
In Darmstadt we were surprised by the absence of huge hordes of Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's do-it-yourself tool, which always rolls through Darmstadt with its converted kitchen cupboard, must have been excluded because it ruins the good professional reputation of the Watchtower organization with its self-made Watchtower trolley. It's funny when someone screws his Watchtower Porsche together and is proud of it. That can't go well in the long run. Imagine a religion pouring out its blessing on humanity in the form of Watchtower Trolleys and one of them comes from Darmstadt and builds himself a thing out of boards! Impossible! This person must be excluded!
My not ordered and not paid drill Renate was running at full speed. I was happy not to see any Jehovah's Witnesses in Darmstadt. So time passed and as the sun timidly tortured its way through the clouds, the pleasant time in Darmstadt became a pleasure. We met a Christian who brought Christian calendars and other Christian literature to the people. We met Chinese people who invited us to a Christian event. We got a tasty tea from the Chinese and I was quite prepared to finish the day. I said to the Chinese: "I go around the square again. Renate said in an hour that I had gone in that direction." I pointed in that direction and Renate stood next to me and looked. The Chinese understood nothing. The allusion was that Renate always takes so long to make the jump. I thought it was funny.
One blink of an eye later, Jehovah's Witnesses stood exactly where it wasn't expected. Right next to the Chinese and us. What a surprise.
The rest of the story is quickly told if you leave out the details. Jehovah's Witnesses came under pressure. The passers-by were amazed and asked. The Jehovah's Witnesses realized that they had chosen a bad location. They went off and split into two groups. As the lizard discards its tail, Jehovah's Witnesses left a part behind so that the rest could dive down.
Jehovah's Witness in the worldly freethinker hat quickly disappeared with his unstable, not yet brainwashed sheep. I suspect that this worldly freethinker-hat man himself hadn't really roasted through the watchtower yet. You couldn't spend three euros as fast as they were gone. What remained was a mini troop of the cooked-out ones. Renate attached herself to them and began the conversation with the witnesses in her inimitable way. I was always there with the following signs: "Jehovah's Witnesses bleed to death" and "... the state looks away" and "serial murder by bleeding to death".
He must come through this furrow. That is the sentence that William Tell proclaimed. Or? The street in which the harder Jehovah's Witnesses lined up was very narrow, so that every passer-by had to witness the scenery. Those who didn't notice anything didn't want this either. I closely observed the behaviour of the people of Darmstadt in this regard and must say that about 12 decimal places 8 percent strictly refused to let Jehovah's Witnesses and us thwart their Christmas market plans. These people demonstrated their humanistic tolerance by looking the other way. That was funny and sad at the same time.
The rest of the passers-by in Darmstadt were interested in the situation and good conversations developed. Meanwhile Renate brought the representatives of the Jesus-is-not-God-religion about 98 degrees Celsius and the ladies and gentlemen of the serial murder-Org broke down and then left. "Have a nice day yet!" they called when I called after them several times the biblical passage proving the deity of Jesus. "Revelation 5 verse 13 and 14! Revelation 5 verses 13 and 14! Revelation 5 verses 13 and 14! Revelation 5 verse 13 and 14!"
The passers-by and withdrawing Jehovah's Witnesses and Revelation 5 verses 13 and 14 resulted in a glorious public situation. When you have leashed the bull in the bullring, you get the feeling that Renate and I felt. In Revelation 5 verses 13 and 14, Jesus is worshipped by all creation. Here the Bible leaves no doubt as to whether Jesus is God or not. Jesus is God and he is worshipped.
How can it happen that the Watchtower-MURDER-ORG whistles all their slaves back and wants to organize this Saturday as the big idle Saturday and yet some Jehovah's Witnesses hit directly in our vicinity as if they had been looking for us? Didn't these Jehovah's Witnesses hear the shot? Couldn't Jehovah's Witnesses' orders from greater distances be cancelled on time? Has the telephone network failed?
All this becomes clear when you know that the blonde Jehovah's Witness with the self-confident appearance first had to address Renate on the subject of blood. Renate had only Jesus in mind and did not even come to the socially important point of serial murder by bleeding to death! Only Jehovah's poor blonde boy had to remind her that the serial murder by letting bleed to death was still a matter of debate. Thus he revealed that the appearance of Jehovah's Witnesses in Darmstadt today was exactly tailored to us. At least this probability increased significantly. How nice it was that we were able to help prevent Jehovah's seduction by our efforts in many corners, by drawing the lying power of this murder orga on us.
Renate fought her way through the "superior", but in reality only arrogant reasoning of Jehovah's Witnesses. I can trace the despair of the Jehovah's Witnesses. There is something about Renate that seems to me to be made for the clear conversation with Jehovah's Witnesses.
Renate made it crystal clear that our mission to bear witness to Jehovah's Witnesses comes from Jesus. This was her response to a Jehovah's Witness's request that we go to the Christmas market with our Jesus. A Jehovah's Witness classified our mission as coming from below. ... But isn't the Bible right for us? In Revelation 5 verse 13, all creation worships the Lamb and Him who sits on the throne. Now when Jehovah's Witnesses claim that Jesus is only one creature ... How could this biblical passage even come into being?
And the works speak their own language. Jehovah's Witnesses produce the religiously killed. We don't.