Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 366
We were received calmly by the Bruchsal Jehovah's Witnesses. No one got upset when photos were taken. The reproachful texts of my signs did not exist for the Bruchsal Witnesses, and Renate really felt the Jehovah's Witnesses' arrogance. Example: "Yes well, then we do not have the Holy Spirit. They have the Holy Spirit. We do not have it. Be glad, then!"
What the snobbish Jehovah's Witness said is true. The actual teaching of the serial murder society JW.ORG is that only the 144,000 anointed, Jehovah's special witnesses, have the Holy Spirit and the infantry do not have the Holy Spirit. This simply means that something is taught from above and the ordinary street witness of Jehovah has to represent it, even without understanding it. So the lady of Jehovah's snootiness finally admitted what is standard in the Watchtower Society: The Jehovah's Witness does not have the Holy Spirit.
Whether the 144,000 anointed ones, of whom many more than 144,000 have already died, still have the Holy Spirit today is uncertain, for the old men of the Governing Body have limited all teaching authority to themselves. These old men bleed Jehovah's Witnesses to death worldwide by teaching order, claiming they have the Holy Spirit! These old men order the destruction of all records containing information about child abuse and claim to have the Holy Spirit! These old men are sending people to their deaths using fictitious teachings and claiming to have the Holy Spirit! There is no law in the Bible that refers to human blood. There is no law in the Bible that could be called a cannibalism law.
So if something is taught that does not exist in the Bible, can it have anything to do with the Holy Spirit? No. Rather, both Jehovah's street witnesses do not have the Holy Spirit and the Governing Body certainly does not. For the works that they produce are many dead. Worldwide and regularly. The Watchtower Society is a serial murder society.
Many people in Bruchsal expressed to me their joy that someone was resisting the witnesses of the serial murder society. One Iranian said: "As long as they are not in power, they have a friendly face. Once they are in power, they show their true face".
A stand of sacred Watchtower literature was blown over by the wind and Jehovah's Witnesses placed a heavy blood-red sack on the rear linkage as a counterweight. Otherwise they bounced all arguments off them. Not for nothing do all people walk past them without noticing them.
After about an hour and a half of conversation, Renate stopped her attempts to present the Jehovah's Witnesses of Bruchsal with the facts about their erroneous belief. Before we left, I quickly told the Jehovah's Witnesses why and why they were in a serial murder society. The old Jehovah's Witness said: "You know you can't talk here?" Ui! Does the man have a court order that I don't know about? Or has Jehovah's Witness again been falsely assigned by his Watchtower Mother of Truth? I became louder. And when the old Jehovah's Witness couldn't get any further with his police threatening, he kept interrupting me. The whole thing ended with us shouting alternately: "Watchtower Society ... Serial Murder Society! " "Goodbye!" "Watchtower Society ... Serial Murder Society! " "Goodbye!" "Watchtower Society ... Serial Murder Society!" "Goodbye!" He didn't even realize he was saying just the right thing to the Watchtower Society: "Goodbye and goodbye!"
The Bruchsal Jehovah's Witnesses are the most stubborn liars under the sun. I had established this before, and Jehovah's Witnesses in Bruchsal did so in all respects. Combined with this unsurpassed stubbornness, Jehovah's Witness's normal arrogance seems doubly difficult. Today in Bruchsal we have witnessed the rebuff by these people from all sides and Jehovah's Witnesses are certainly very proud of it. But for me, the main thing about the Bruchsal Clearing up attempten has long been the audience. People can still be warned so that Jehovah's Witnesses will make it more difficult to play with the serial murder by letting it bleed to death.
We have a powerful group among us, who worldwide commit serial murder by bleeding to death and yet are not prosecuted. No businessman, no housewife, no public prosecutor, no policeman, no mayor, no politician and no doctor stand up to it or even take note of this shame. A Jehovah's Witness in Austria, who witnessed four of these murders, deeply regrets his participation in the hospital liaison committees. That gives a little bit of hope. But all the people of the world ignore the serial murder of the Watchtower Society. This serial murder of the Watchtower Society is based on a law of cannibalism that does not exist in the Bible. I can understand if you just let sect leaders lie to you without worrying about it. But how can all of humanity allow these cult leaders to actually murder in series? Was Charles Manson just clumsy? Are the old men of the Jehovah's Witness Governing Body too skilful to be exposed as serial killers? Are these apparent serial killers somehow protected?
At some point the legal systems concerned must have made a mistake, so that to this day the Watchtower Society may murder with impunity by a fictitious cannibalism law. This error functions in connection with the general disinterest of humans. The truth is no longer worth anything, the correction of lies is no longer worth anything, human lives are no longer worth anything, humans are no longer worth anything. The Watchtower Blood Doctrine with the fictitious Cannibalism Law has existed since 1945. For 72 years the Watchtower Society has committed the religiously camouflaged serial murder in order to prematurely deprive people of the chance to recognize that they do not need the old men of the Governing Body, but Jesus Christ. For 72 years all public prosecutors of the world have been closing their eyes to the serial murder of the Watchtower Society because they have no desire to look into whether there is a cannibalism law in the Bible at all. They could easily have this fact established by a simple expert opinion.
For 72 years, a serial murder organization worldwide has enjoyed the privilege of enforcing the murder resolutions of its god Jehovah on earth. With each new generation of prosecutors not looking to see if the Watchtower dead could be murder victims, the Serial Murder Organization creates a beautiful cushion of customary law. How will the public prosecutors ever deal with such a development if they do not intervene soon? Will murders then become a part of customary law? Or will religious murder be legitimized as true worship or godliness? In Islam this already exists in a similar form. The Watchtower Serial Murder Society carries precisely this development into the legal systems of the Western hemisphere.
And when you then meet people who are closed to any clear argument and only fixated on the phantom world of that Jehovah of God, who is also openly worshipped by Freemasons as Lucifer, then your heart can slip into your trousers. The representatives of the serial murder were particularly snobbish today in Bruchsal and nobody could break through the wall of the murdering lie.
Some things are common property. Bridal gown remains bridal gown and red cabbage remains red cabbage. Fraud is recognized worldwide as such when it is uncovered. That the serial murder of the Watchtower Society does not bother anyone any longer is unbelievable! Why do people allow an organization to kill rows and rows of people by a lied cannibalism law? How can it be that the state even grants the status of a church to this murder-org? How can it be that this organization is not only allowed to recruit new candidates for death, but is also given special protection against criticism in German buildings? Does German politics have a conscience or something similar to a conscience? Can one trust a state that promotes the sending of rows of people to their deaths by turning a serial murder society into a public corporation? Can one trust a state that, on suspicion and rumour, puts individuals into psychiatric care for a long time, but ignores detailed long-term reports about serial murder actually practised and its false background? Can one trust Christians who, for the sake of loving peace, refuse to present these facts to people? Can one trust humanists who ignore these clear reproaches with great calmness in order to live out their pompous principles of tolerance?