Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 137
Isaiah 42,17 But those who rely on idols and say to the cast image [Watchtower Society]: "You are our gods!" shall retreat and be shamed.
What is "to be shamed"? The Bible gives us a beautiful example of this terrible event of being shamed. At the moment of the return of Christ, people will plead with the mountains that they may fall over them, so that they may not suffer the sight of Jesus Christ. Jehovah's Witnesses have always practiced this becoming. They must close their eyes and ears when someone tells them something about Jesus. They turn themselves up blind and deaf.
The lyrics I held up today were:
While in total hundreds of people read and understand the texts, Jehovah's Witnesses ignore the clear statements. While Jehovah's Witnesses are shown their own shame in public, they continue to play their religious newspaper sales sermon service game on their own, working not to realize that everyone knows. The shame of murder by bleeding to death becomes clear to all passers-by and Jehovah's Witnesses pretend it's nothing.
The separation from reality is the actual becoming. Those who ignore the existence of God all their lives with complacency and self-satisfaction will do exactly what John's revelation describes to us at the return of Christ. He will prefer to be slain by the mountains than to admit that he has lied to himself all his life. This pattern of behavior is the soul of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Four Jehovah's Witnesses had built up in front of the Volksbank. Two directly in front, two opposite. When I raised my new signs today, a neckless Jehovah's Witness thought he had to intimidate me by making some speeches and then walking towards me, so that I had to back out. I had to get pretty loud to drown out his attacks, and I only said a single sentence that chased away Jehovah's Witnesses in a package of four like exorcised demons! The sentence was: Jesus never let a human bleed to death! At the end of the sentence I felt as if there were little black monsters flying around me and after a few seconds the sun was shining because evil had escaped. I almost wanted to rub my eyes because I could hardly believe what a crassly high speed Jehovah's Witnesses could develop.
The group of Jehovah's Witnesses who suddenly disappeared included the little woman who always puts on the cartoon Heidi smile in the sermon service. It is fascinating how quickly penetrance can dissolve!
Then I discovered Jehovah's Witness with the checkered jacket and briefcase on the leather strap. He squeezed into one entrance, then into the other and then finally went to a medical center to escape my attention.
For a while I went for a walk in the pedestrian zone and thought that this morning with the Jehovah's Witnesses was already over, but down in front of the Sparkasse there were two Jehovah's Witnesses, who probably hadn't noticed the scandal above. The two saw me and after finishing a conversation with another woman they purposefully went in one direction away from the pedestrian zone. From then on I had the idea again that the morning with the Jehovah's Witnesses in Wiesloch had gone well, but – oh wonder – the man who uses a metal edge as a sofa for his sermon service stood up in front of the Volksbank.
My signs (Whoever bleeds people to death for a religion is a murderer! – and – The Watchtower Society murders by deliberately misinterpreting the Bible!) passed him by the very back. He radiated an unattainability that is unparalleled. But I can always make wonderful use of such a situation of ignorance and the Enlightenment about the Watchtower religion "raided wildly". For me it is always incomprehensible that Jehovah's Witnesses simply ignore such a blatant embarrassment as if nothing were. By their ignorant perseverance they offer the platform to openly think about their dirty theology and do not realize that every passing minute helps people to recognize the wickedness of the Watchtower Society ad hoc.
A policeman came up the street and I thought I'd take a look at what was happening and stay calm. A few weeks ago, a police officer's ignorance had caused a situation that was barely free of embarrassment. The black dressed Jehovah's Witness, who always walks up and down in my presence and no longer uses the metal edge as a seat, stormed excitedly towards the police officer and asked: "He must be at least 10 meters away, right?" The policeman: "Do you have an order?" Jehovah's Witness gesticulated with his watchtower and his Awake and said something about religious practice. The official repeated the question: "Do you have an injunction? Jehovah's Witness ignored that question and the official became stricter. "Do you have an injunction?" The Jehovah's Witness said tightly: "I will inquire!" and gave way back to the sermon service limb.
Instead of realizing that the lie of the Watchtower Species, that a minimum distance of 10 meters is the legal standard for Jehovah's Witnesses' religious practice as a protection zone, is one of the many lies that the Watchtower Society expects Jehovah's Witnesses to practice, instead of deducing from this experience to doubt other statements of the Watchtower Society better, Jehovah's Witnesses immediately fall back into the habitual mental rigor of death mode, into blind bondage to the faithful and understanding slave.
A passer-by spoke critically with the Jehovah's Witness. A blonde, heavily made-up woman picked up a watchtower from him (a little too conspicuous in my opinion).
A retired journalist came by and did a little instant interview. She took a photo and I asked her to send it to me. The passers-by were all positive about my admittedly not very adapted appearance. They greet me sometimes just like an acquaintance and take part in the spectacle in a recognizable way. The Enlightenment situation is taking shape and in Wiesloch Jehovah "God" is unlikely to bleed a person to death. Thank the Lord!
Jehovah's Witnesses rely on newspaper publishing gods and cherish the worldly hope that this newspaper organization from America will provide a realistic option to live eternally in an earthly paradise. This is no less than the hope that Hitler also had. World domination is the spiritual center of the Watchtower religion. That the theology of the Watchtower Society is absolutely anti-Christian is often enough not noticed by these poor people. But many Jehovah's Witnesses know very well that Jesus, God, who showed himself to us, plays no real role in this New World utopia. They are happy to mock him and with commitment and feelings of triumph they let people die slowly for religious rules. Jesus never did such a thing, but he stood absolutely against it. To ignore this, Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy and they enjoy crippling people spiritually to such an extent that they can never find the childlike faith in Jesus again.