If you feel the need to counter Jehovah's Witnesses directly in the center of their seduction work, namely in their preaching ministry, then the events surrounding them are quite likely to affect your constitution to such an extent that you are glad to have a list with you through which you can remember the individual sticking points of the Jehovah's teaching. However, this list must never be the central action content; it may only be used as a cheat sheet in an emergency. The center of your mission is and remains Jesus. You must leave the work to him. That's why the use of such a list as a thought support can only be handled openly. We must not give the impression that we are rattling down a litany. We must be very open with our means of remembrance and allow Jehovah's Witnesses to see our written material. Pull the list openly out of your pocket and orient yourself as Jehovah's Witnesses look over your shoulder. Christians have nothing to hide. And when Christians lose the thread in the fight against the aberrant powers of the religious communities, they openly deal with it and don't hide it. Christians don't need a perfect facade. They are all quite individual and without brainwashing. But they all have honesty and openness in Jesus Christ in common.
This is a very relaxed way of acting, which results from the way with Jesus. His yoke is gentle and his burden is light. There is no ritual that can be imposed on us by churches or organizations, no organizational burden, no disciplinary pressure, no adaptation to people or groups of people, no submission to a certain label, no ideal! There is "the best Christian" not. Before God every single disciple of Jesus is the best! Whether you think you have to stall cult members with cardboard signs, or whether you donate 50 euros or whether you give your neighbour a good tip, even though he has never thanked you. As the property of Christ, you are always the best in his eyes. His forgiveness and love are so great that for him you are like the apple of his eye.
In this respect, the list of arguments against the Watchtower doctrine is no substitute for what Jesus puts in your mouth in a dispute with Jehovah's Witnesses. He also shows you how much you love them. He does not send you out against them, but for them. So a list of arguments against the Watchtower Doctrine can only be a mental support that you have at your disposal, if you feel that there is idleness, that there is space, that there could, should I actually have to put one or the other fact in the field, so that the representatives of the Watchtower doctrine really have enough material that they can or must remember later despite being brainwashed.
Experience and science teach us that no information that ever came into your life can be lost. Even if you think you've forgotten this or that for a long time, you'll remember it at some point. This is the trump card that we as Christians must not lose to Jehovah's Witnesses. Any info you can attach is a factor that can help Jehovah's Witness save lives at some point.
So a cheat sheet with the arguments against the Watchtower Society's false doctrine is no substitute for the Holy Spirit, nor a copy or imitation of the so-called "good organization" that Jehovah's Witnesses need for their ministry, but it is only a help to make room for adverse influences, exciting situations, and similar distractions. Christians are not as stupid as the doves, but they are louder than the doves.
This explanation is followed by a subpage listing the most important and striking points of Christianity against the Watchtower Society's misinterpretation. This list is carefully extended piece by piece. It must be set up as a single page so that it can be printed without accompanying text.
Arguments against the Watchtower Doctrine