Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 88

Special mission of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Wiesloch

Sermon service to expose the Watchtower Society

On Friday, 25.04.2014, only two Jehovah's Witnesses stood in front of the Volksbank and held a coffee gossip with a sympathizer instead of sermon service. It is always astonishing how important the hours spent are and how unimportant it is whether one has reached someone or not. The Watchtower philosophy is based on time and not on quality. Because if they had quality in mind, Jehovah's Witnesses would quickly realize that they are miles away from the truth. But this must be avoided. Therefore, Jehovah's Witnesses only have the time factor in mind. Doing hours, writing hours, filling statistics.

Wiesloch witnesses abound with ignorance

Ignoring any criticism from miles away is the highest trait that Jehovah's Witnesses can have before Jehovah. They are proud not to question the lying teachings of the Watchtower Society. For Jehovah's Witnesses, strict belief in the false doctrine is the supporting factor that will once allow them to survive on Earth. Any thought that could touch this faithful skeleton must be thoroughly blocked and repressed in advance.

The two Jehovah's Witnesses on Friday were clearly aware that they were self-sufficient and that they needed nothing but heresy to live. The snootiness associated with this, combined with a playful serenity and friendliness, form a unique mixture of behavior that makes Jehovah's Witnesses very reliable.

Saturday in Wiesloch – Jehovah's Witnesses GSG 9

Today, on Saturday, 26.04.2014, I was quite haphazard in the morning and suddenly I had the intense thought: Just be grateful! I accepted that and left success or failure to the one I believe in: Jesus Christ. And already at the beginning of my visit to Jehovah's Witness in the pedestrian zone of Wiesloch, I felt the organized superiority of the Watchtower Society. Actually, I was about to leave Wiesloch after eating one of these wonderful egg rolls, which are always freshly prepared by the bakery next to the ice cream parlour. But all of a sudden an iron-hard Jehovah's Witness couple stood in front of the shop. It was the couple whose sheer hatred always jumps out of the man's face when he sees me.

Shortly after I took my DIN A4 sheets in my hand and positioned myself in front of them, they changed positions. Another Jehovah's Witness who had joined them went over to the Volksbank with the wife of the Hass-Zeugen, which was indeed a little surprising to me. They seemed to want to take me into their grip.

While I was choosing the optimal point from which to look at both parties, more and more Jehovah's Witnesses came along, including a blatantly prominent Super Super Mega department manager, a supermarket manager-like all-in-one. The worldly overriding, snobbish ignorance that emanated from this person cannot be described. I shouted very loudly and clearly in several directions: "Every person who enters the Watchtower Society signs the religious murder by bleeding to death!" The entire troop took no notice of these five or six exclamations from me. They continued their business plan as if I did not exist.

But the people already took notice and in the course of the morning the lower pedestrian zone of Wiesloch knew exactly what it was about.

The peacock among the Jehovah's Witnesses, this strange head guru chief, who by the way was repeatedly advised by a grey man with a curly head and a big moustache who was not otherwise involved, stood 30 or 40 meters further down in the pedestrian zone of Wiesloch and extended the Jehovah's front in this way. I then at some point took the liberty of leaving the fixed point and walking up and down the entire lower pedestrian zone with my raised protest DIN A4 sheet. Whenever I passed the later only two Jehovah's Witness stands, I would loudly and audibly hear information that would make the Jehovah's Peacock Witness's ears red. Even my accusation that the most beautiful smile and greetings were useless if you let your own people bleed to death on the other side, was answered by this Jehovah's power's chief guru only with a further smile.

Surprisingly early in the day, this agent of Jehovah's ingenious battle plan realized that he had led his Jehovah's Witnesses all along the line into one of the stupidest traps imaginable. The normal factual situation overcame these people and they had to bow to the truth, which is not Jehovah and not the Watchtower doctrine. The Jehovah Peacock collected his Sonderkommando and patted them away. They had lost to the simplest facts and could not spread their Watchtower teachings among the people. They had lost all their spiritual battle against a small Christian who, as a hobby, makes Friday and Saturday visits to Jehovah's Witnesses.

Oh, yeah, I really have reason to be grateful. It is not because of me that Jesus wins. It is not my fault if his temple is built. His power is the only thing that counts. Jesus does not have a brotherhood that strives for world domination. Jesus takes care of each individual and keeps track of how only God can keep track. Christians need no organization and no institutional church. Christians are one in Jesus and not in a religion of this world. Brotherhoods are Masonic. The Jehovah's organization is only a human brotherhood. The Watchtower religion is like the Roman Catholic religion, which also takes the reins off God.


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