John 1:1 – the inserted indefinite article "ein" makes the Word that was God, Jesus, another God. This breaks the first commandment (you shall have no other gods before me). The Watchtower religion is thus in relapse behind Judaism, behind Islam and, of course, behind Christianity. The Watchtower religion is a multi-god religion of ancient Roman origin. If it is argued that Jesus is not God, but only an angel, then it helps to point out that John 1,1 irrevocably defines Jesus as God.
Anyone who deliberately misinterprets the Bible to kill people is a murderer. Every single Jehovah's Witness supports religious murder by allowing himself to be integrated into the Watchtower society. Jesus never killed a person because of a religious rule. Jesus even broke the Sabbath to heal. Jehovah's Witnesses are also highly anti-Christian on this point.
There is only one light bearer who is known by name: Lucifer! A religion that is constantly given new light is subject only to this Lucifer. Jesus appeared only once in all his fullness. He is the light. Christians have in him all the light. They can only grow in the knowledge of Jesus. "New Light" is always a signal that Lucifer has crept in.
With the glorification of the Watchtower Society as a saving authority, Jehovah's Witnesses conform with all Catholics who argue that the Catholic Church is the only blessing authority on earth. They are thus absolutely one with the Pope.
Jesus is the messenger of God, the messenger of God, the contact man, the connection. What kind of being has an interest in preventing human contact with this Jesus? It can only be Satan who forbids contact with Jesus under the guise of godliness.
Jesus says, "No one will take my sheep out of my hand." The Watchtower Society practices exactly the opposite to demonstrate that Jesus is a liar. It celebrates every day worldwide the exclusion of its sheep.
Every true Christian answers the question who his Lord is: Jesus Christ. Jesus says one cannot serve two masters. Jehovah's Witnesses have Jehovah as their Lord and must confess Jesus as their subordinate Lord if they do not want to be exposed immediately.
Catholics actually believe that they have a heavenly mother. In parallel, Jehovah's Witnesses speak of the Watchtower Society as their mother.
Propaganda for the Watchtower Society (sermon service) is for Jehovah's Witnesses to practice their faith. A Jehovah's Witness will always say he is convinced! Personal faith in Jesus is an unknown factor.
As incredible as it sounds, you don't have to comment any further. Indeed, the Watchtower Society regularly speaks of the annihilation of Christianity.
The division of the Watchtower "Christians" into two classes causes Jehovah's Witnesses to demonstratively let the Lord's Supper pass by. In reality, they do not celebrate the Lord's Supper either, they celebrate the death of Christ! Their flyers always speak only of the memorial of the death of Christ!
In the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses one often finds depictions of people from biblical times with turban. The word God-abasiveness (Islam) appears about 2000 times in the publications. This word does not exist in the Bible.